Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield is a household name for many Arkansans. Now their logo graces the skylines of Springdale off of the Don Tyson exit. This 81,000 sq ft office building aid in better serving the Northwest Arkansas region while the company’s home office remains in Little Rock. The Arkansas BlueCross BlueShield Northwest Arkansas Regional Offices was a Nabholz Construction led project. The new building features an in-house employee fitness center, “Hoteling” workstation areas for visiting staff, clients and vendors, scenic outdoor space and pavilion areas for employees and nonprofit community groups events, and highly functional and flexible floor plans with moveable walls.

TCM Enterprises contributed the cold form metal framing, insulation, and drywall throughout the building. One notable product we utilized on this building was the Fry Reglet Light Cove which is a specialty trim with built in LED lighting in the elevators and lobby areas.

» Location: Springdale, Arkansas

» General Contractor: Nabholz

» Architect: Crafton Tull